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Join the community

Sell Products and Services to Other Members

Start Earning Patronage Points

Points Contribute to the Total Patronage Pool

Points can be Redeemed for Refunds and Annual Payouts

What is the Community Of Commerce CoOp?
At a time when America seems divided on multiple issues, we at Community of Commerce Cooperative (C3) have chosen “the path less traveled” and embrace abundance over scarcity.

Unite Producers and Consumers

We are uniting producers and consumers in a sharing and collaborative business model where working together is far better than division.

Fair Marketplace

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or freelancer (a producer), you need a fair marketplace to compete and be found by consumers wanting your products and services.

Honorable Businesses

If you are a consumer, you are looking for fair pricing and desire to purchase goods and services from honorable and fair businesses.

Free Memberships

Every person who does business with our CoOp, is automatically awarded a FREE membership into the CoOp. This means you can take advantage of our great prices and services without paying any fee.

SHARE Memberships

Become an owner of the CoOp and SHARE in the profits. After paying a one-time Share Fee of $297 SHARE Members are able to earn and Redeem Patronage Points. Learn how this works by clicking here.

Earn Patronage Points

By selling products and services to other members you earn Patronage Points. These points can be redeemed for both Patronage Refunds and Annual Payouts. Learn how this works by clicking here.

How It Works
For example, let’s say there is $10,000 in the Patronage Pool, made up of 10,000 Patronage Points of Share Member activity. If you earned 1000 Patronage Points this specific month, your SHARE would be 1,000/10,000 X $10,000 or a $1,000 Patronage Refund. If you had 100 Patronage Points, then your Patronage Refund would be $100 for this month.

The Board of Directors (made up of Share Members) decides the payout each month and also the annual payout. Let’s say the Board decides to pay out 75% a month and accrue 25% for an annual payout. The payouts above would be $750 for the member with 1,000 Patronage Points and $75 for the member with 100 Patronage Points (the rest would be added to the annual payout). It is really just that fair. Then your monthly points would accumulate for an annual Patronage Refund. This allows new Share Members to benefit.

About CoOps
The first consumer cooperative (CoOp) in the United States, Fenwick Weavers' Society, was founded in 1769… 249 Years ago! C3 is the new hybrid disruptive technology. Today, cooperative associations worldwide produce over $2 Trillion in sales and hire over 280 Million workers. There are over 3 Million cooperatives with more than 1 Billion members (1 in 6 people).

There are over 29,284 CoOps in the US today with more than 350 million members doing more than $653 Billion in sales and have created more than 850,000 jobs. However, you might never have heard of this powerful movement; but you may be a member of a credit union, use a VISA card, eat Land O’Lakes dairy products or shop at Ace Hardware. Certainly, many of the nationally know grocery stores buy together as CoOps and of course the number one CoOp in the US is CHS, Inc. (Agriculture) at over $30 Billion in sales.

Amazon Prime

By the end of 2018, Amazon Prime will have approximately 100 Million members which represent about 60% of the total consumers on Amazon.com. As of 2017, the net revenue is over

$177 Billion

Facebook has over 2.23 Billion active users in 2018. In 2017, their revenue was over

$40 Billion

Google has over 1 Billion Users. Google’s owner Alphabet, in 2017 had net earnings of

$110 Billion

Costco had 90.3 million members. Costco was the first company to grow from zero to $3 billion in sales in under six years. For the fiscal year ending on August 31, 2012, the company’s sales totaled

$110 Billion
But They Don't SHARE!
WE DO SHARE! The founders and their associated resellers together already sell more than $1.67 Billion. We together have millions of clients. So, we decided to disrupt the current way of doing business!
Become a COC CoOp Member
Come join our community as a FREE or a SHARE MEMBER; it's up to you. The low price of the one-time Share fee will allow you to earn money each month you patronize your CoOp. You can also become a producer and sell your products and services to members provided you are willing to SHARE 5 to 15% of your profits to the Patronage Pool.
No Strings Attached Access
  • Website Access By Log-In
  • Discounts On Products & Services
  • Earn Patronage Points For Community Activity
Become a CoOp owner and SHARE in the profits!
one time
  • Website Access By Log-In
  • Discounts On Products & Services
  • Earn Patronage Points For Community Activity
  • One – Share and One – Vote (Ownership)
  • Earn Monthly Patronage Refunds (Pro-rata to Activity)
  • Earn Annual Patronage Refunds (Pro-rata to Activity)
  • Earn Additional Discounts
  • Access Special Share Members Programs