• Ron Sukenick

    December 22, 2019 at 10:54 pm

    Here are some helpful tips on making the most from your Networking & Relationship building efforts as you move into 2020

    As I move closer to any new year, I always have a tendency to self-reflect and ask the following question –

    “What can I do to create a bigger impact in how I network and build relationships, and at the same time, support the networking & relationship efforts of others”?

    In addition to what I’m suggesting, please BE KIND ENOUGH to share your thoughts on what you would add to this list – rs@ronsukenick.com

    Here are my top 13 suggestions for greater Business Relationship & Networking Success ONLINE and FACE TO FACE in 2020

    1. Invest more TIME with people (do face to face 121’s, Skype, or Zoom with the people you are meeting. the biggest investment you will make in building relationships and building your business is TIME. Simply stated, the more you know and understand others, the more likely that your relationships will flourish.

    2. Be PURPOSE driven – If relationships are going to be at the fore-front of your networking activities, then you first have to strengthen your relationship with self. Self-reflection, reason for being, purpose driven and vision is an important part of that process. If you don’t take the time to step back and work on yourself, who will?

    3. Create unparalleled VISIBILITY – The bottom line for more business in 2020 is simply becoming more visible. That means getting targeted with face to face and on-line social networks. While Facebook is a cool place to hang out, consider strengthening your profile and connection base on such sites as LinkedIn & Twitter to make more of a professional impact worldwide. Also, take a closer look at the micro sites that are more geographic to the area where you are marketing your services and creating impact. From a LinkedIn standpoint, get involved in groups.

    4. Go after the relationship, not just the sale – (develop RELATIONSHIP strategies), Everyone talks about relationships, now you can do something about it. A relationship strategy is anything that you can do that adds value to others. Strategies put you in command and control of your relationship mindset. (If you would like a list of 15 top relationships strategies to begin working with), visit http://www.ronsukenick.com/programs/resources/relationship-strategies-blueprint/

    feel free to download for FREE the Relationship Strategies Blueprint.

    5. Relentlessly Follow-Up – Think about some of the recent face to face networking events you attended and ask yourself the following questions:

    From the 10-15 people you might of met, how many actually followed up with you by sending a note in the mail, an e-mail, or a phone call and said – “What a pleasure it was meeting you at the recent any-town Chamber of Commerce event”?

    In fact, ask yourself the same question – How many did you actually follow up with a note, an e-mail, or even a phone call?

    See what I mean? Nobody is following up with anybody.

    If you need a simple follow-up system that works every-time send me an e-mail to rs@ronsukenick.com and I’ll send you what I call the “Magic of 6”.

    What’s great about it is that it works every-time.

    6. Embrace the power of LinkedIn – With a recent #1 Amazon Best Seller – 21 Days to Success with LinkedIn, found at – http://www.ronsukenick.com/store/ I’m just amazed on how many people I meet that have a lack of understanding on how to maximize the potential of the largest professional database in the world.

    They have no connection strategy – they don’t have a completed and optimized profile –and in many cases, have no sense of purpose on WHY they are even on LinkedIn.

    So what’s my message? – Find a LinkedIn coach and get going. If you can’t find one, call me 317-696-1367 – I can help.

    If you want to take advantage of a FREE 30 minute strategy call me.

    7. Increase you FREQUENCY of interaction – Increased interaction brings increased cooperation with others. Too many times people fail to follow up with people after their meeting. If you can get up to 6 interactions with anyone, it’s likely you’ll have a good beginning for a relationship that will never end. See my suggestion # 5 for more comments to support this suggestion.

    8. Share your REFERRAL CLUB experience –There are many people in business today that are not happy with the amount of business they are doing, the amount of profits they are earning, and the amount of sales they are making.

    That’s the very reason why business referral groups like Gold Star, BNI, AmSpirit and LeTips and others are achieving the success their having.

    When you find a group of dedicated business professionals that meet weekly in a structured agenda, with the sole purpose of building relationships, and passing referral to one another, it’s a sure win.

    If you’re interested in setting up your own Business Referral club under the Gold Star banner, visit this link – https://www.goldstardirectors.com/2045

    and then Call me at 317-696-1367 or e-mail me @ rs@ronsukenick.com when you have a moment.

    9. CONNECT THE DOTS – as often as you can (making the most from the Small World Phenomena) – When was the last time you heard that infamous expression – “It’s such a Small World Isn’t It”? – Keep in mind that the power in your networking efforts is always in the connection.

    Did you know that the connection between you and the people your meeting, is never just between you and the people your meeting? It’s between you, them, and something else that you have in common.

    If you want to learn more about this process, click here – http://www.ronsukenick.com/connection/small-world-isnt

    10. Develop PERSONALITY insights – If the biggest investment we make in building relationships is time in getting to know others, then we have to gain greater insights in ourselves, and how we can ADAPT to others.

    If I understand you – and you understand me, doesn’t it make sense that we get along better?

    The DISC model of Human Behavior is a proven model to do just that.

    Learn more at http://ronsukenick.com/disc-training

    11. Become the most INTERESTED person in the world – Very often I see people attempting to get other’s interested in them. Let’s face it. Networking is awkward, hit and miss, situational, lacks support and most often it’s all about the other person. As opposed to wanting people to be interested in you, simply become the most interested person in the world. You’ll be surprised on how much easier it gets to get people interested in you.

    12. Don’t manage people (manage the system) – Systems build business and are more predictable and reliable. In a networking environment, it’s very difficult to get people to do what you want them to do, and if you could, it would have to be with their own willingness to get it done. My suggestion is that you stick to a predictable system that works every time.

    If interested, visit this link – http://www.ronsukenick.com/video I use my Toaster story as a metaphor for how you can build relationship with the use of a system. You will love it.

    13. LISTEN three times as much – When you speak, you learn what you know. When you listen, you learn what others know. The power has always been in the listening. Here’s a good question you should ask yourself – When was the last time anyone said – Thanks for taking the time to listen? If it’s been while, go back to work and become a great listener.

    In fact, great listeners, have great connections.

    I love this quote I recently heard from the Leadership coach Simon Sinek – “If you’re a leader and not a good listener, you’re eventually surrounded by people that have nothing to say.”

    So when all is said and done, challenge your thinking and underlying beliefs, be more strategic, go after the relationship, connect the dots, make the connection, and always take the moment and dance with it.

    And lastly, please provide some comments on this published article. I’d love to hear from you.

    Regards, -Ron Sukenick

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